AppBrain SDK integration policy
Invalid installs and impressions
You are not allowed to install promoted apps from one of your own apps. Any means, automated or manual, through which you try to increase promoted app installs may lead to account termination.
Encouraging installs
You are not allowed to stimulate users to install apps through our system or reward them in any way for viewing the interstitial or offer wall. Access to the promoted app page should be offered in a way that selects users with a true intent of exploring new apps.
Privacy policy
You can read how AppBrain processes data that’s collected by the AppBrain SDK in our privacy section. It is your sole responsibility to communicate the privacy implications of your use of the AppBrain SDK to your users. You can include a link to our data processing document in your privacy policy as follows: “This app includes the AppBrain SDK and may collect information in accordance with their privacy policy as described at”.
Content guidelines
Your app must conform to the general Android guidelines for apps published in Google’s Android market.
Your relation with AppBrain
Your use of the AppBrain SDK doesn’t mean your app is endorsed by AppBrain. You’re not allowed to promote your app in this way.
Change log:
May 9, 2018: Point Privacy Policy to new data processing document.
Sep 4, 2015: Clarified privacy policy.