Android Statistics
Android libraries
> Android Social library statistics and market share
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Use the market share of Android Social libraries below to find the best and most popular Social libraries.
AppBrain analyzes all Android apps on Google Play and checks what code is built into the package file (APK). We match that with
known package names from social libraries. Therefore, these statistics reflect whether the code of a certain library is present
in an app. It doesn't guarantee that the developer is actually using the code, but it still gives a good idea of the market share
and what is the list of the top Android social libraries.
If you're looking for the best social libraries, looking at the most popular ones is a good data point. By asking yourself, which social library is used by most Android developers? you can make sure you analyze the best options when you're making a comparison of potential social libraries to include in your app.
About the statistics
You can sort the libraries by "Installs" or "Apps". "Apps" will give you the libraries that are present in the most apps. However, it may be that one library is present in lots of apps with 10+ downloads, whereas another library is present in a few apps that all have billions of downloads. The "Installs" sorting option shows the libraries ordered by presence in the most installs on actual Android devices.You can also choose which groups of apps to view the market share of. "Overall" means all Android apps on Google Play, "New" means apps that were launched within the last 30 days, and "Top 500" means the apps that are ranked in the top 500 of the USA.
If you want to add a library to this list, please use our suggest form.
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This open-source Java library allows you to integrate Facebook into your Android application.
36.81% of apps
33.52% of installs
SDK to share videos and pictures directly into TikTok
1.10% of apps
2.60% of installs
Easy integration for services based on Kakao Platform services such as Kakao Talk and Kakao Story.
1.65% of apps
1.10% of installs
Android library for working with VK API, authorization through VK app, using VK functions.
1.10% of apps
1.07% of installs
Creative Kit lets users send photos or videos to the Snapchat camera preview, where they can use Sn…
1.10% of apps
0.05% of installs