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Android libraries
> Android crash reporting libraries
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Libraries for crash reporting are integrated to analyze any issues and errors that occur in Android apps or games. These SDKs track the behavior of the app in the background and send information to the developer when something strange happens or when the app crashes. This information is then used to improve the app or game.
This overview of Crash reporting SDKs provides you with the most-used and well-known libraries like Firebase, Crashlytics, HockeyApp, ACRA and Yandex Metrica.
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Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps. It is made up of co…
74.39% of apps
75.21% of installs
Yandex AppMetrica is a real-time ad tracking and mobile app analytics solution.
1.93% of apps
2.44% of installs
Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps developers discover, triage…
3.29% of apps
2.22% of installs
Crashlytics delivers real-time, detailed crash reports for mobile apps.
6.81% of apps
1.55% of installs
HockeyApp collects live crash reports and feedback from your users, distributes your beta versions,…
0.28% of apps
0.79% of installs
ACRA is a library enabling Android apps to automatically post their crash reports to a report serve…
0.78% of apps
0.30% of installs
Crittercism gives you real-time, actionable crash reports for mobile apps.
0.09% of apps
0.21% of installs
Splunk MINT is a tool that allows you to monitor and gain insights into your mobile apps.
0.24% of apps
0.04% of installs
Used to remotely log unhandled exceptions in Android applications.
0.01% of apps
0.01% of installs
BugSense is a tool that collects and analyzes crash reports from mobile apps.
0.04% of apps
0.00% of installs
SDK with services for market insights, in-app bug reporting, automated crash reporting, testing and…
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
The Airbrake notifier for Android is designed to give you instant notification of exceptions thrown…
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs