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Android libraries
> HTML parsing libraries
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Libraries that allow the parsing of web pages and other HTML code in Android apps.
This overview of HTML SDKs for Android provides you with the most-used and well-known libraries like jsoup, Nexage sourcekit and TagSoup.
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jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for ext…
4.83% of apps
4.34% of installs
TagSoup is a SAX-compliant parser written in Java that, instead of parsing well-formed or valid XML…
0.14% of apps
0.59% of installs
HtmlCleaner is open-source HTML parser written in Java that cleans up ill-formed html, as encounter…
0.20% of apps
0.15% of installs
Nexage SourceKit-MRAID For Android is an open-sourced IAB MRAID 2.0 compliant rendering engine for …
0.06% of apps
0.02% of installs