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Android libraries
> Open source libraries
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Open source Android libraries are freely available for distribution and modification under an open source license. This category contains a big variation in functionality, ranging from image loading, progress bars and sliding panels to full-fledged solutions for APIs.
This overview of open source Android SDKs provides you with the most-used and well-known libraries used in many different apps, including SDKs like Glide, ReactiveX, React Native and Kotlin.
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A collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
86.02% of apps
85.68% of installs
Android Jetpack is a library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that…
70.01% of apps
83.48% of installs
Provides a stable but relatively compact binary serialization format that can be passed across proc…
77.25% of apps
83.07% of installs
Android Jetpack is a library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that…
71.09% of apps
81.28% of installs
Kotlin is a JVM based programming language and an officially supported Android language since Googl…
44.21% of apps
70.44% of installs
The Android Jetpack Media library contains classes that are helpful for building apps that play aud…
54.06% of apps
70.07% of installs
Provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
58.99% of apps
66.73% of installs
With WorkManager, you can easily set up a task and hand it off to the system to run under the condi…
33.65% of apps
62.58% of installs
Android includes the transitions framework, which enables you to easily animate changes between two…
49.49% of apps
57.88% of installs
This library adds support for the Action Bar user interface design pattern. This library includes s…
63.40% of apps
55.24% of installs
Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It …
40.36% of apps
49.63% of installs
Provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
58.48% of apps
47.88% of installs
Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way …
11.94% of apps
47.80% of installs
ViewPager2 replaces ViewPager, addressing most of its predecessor’s pain-points, including right-to…
33.23% of apps
47.28% of installs
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.
28.64% of apps
46.53% of installs
Static library support version of the framework's Loader.
53.23% of apps
45.01% of installs
Standalone efficient collections.
48.20% of apps
39.43% of installs
Lottie is a mobile library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json and renders …
9.91% of apps
39.15% of installs
The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to us…
43.36% of apps
38.39% of installs
The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to us…
47.16% of apps
36.99% of installs
LocalBroadcastManager is an application-wide event bus and embraces layer violations in your app: a…
44.28% of apps
33.05% of installs
Static library support version of the framework's CursorAdapter.
45.98% of apps
32.94% of installs
A helper library for printing bitmaps.
43.70% of apps
29.26% of installs
Representation of a document backed by either a DocumentsProvider or a raw file on disk. This is a …
42.99% of apps
29.05% of installs
Okio is a library that complements and java.nio to make it easier to access, store, and pro…
33.44% of apps
28.54% of installs
Helper class for inflating layouts asynchronously.
38.84% of apps
25.06% of installs
This is a class for reading and writing Exif tags in various image file formats.
22.22% of apps
21.98% of installs
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Googl…
10.83% of apps
21.36% of installs
This open-source Java library allows you to integrate Facebook into your Android application.
19.35% of apps
20.47% of installs
ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing …
19.76% of apps
19.65% of installs
ReactiveX provides an API for asynchronous programming with observable streams. This API is availab…
14.26% of apps
16.43% of installs
Picasso allows for hassle-free image loading in your application by handling ImageView recycling an…
17.59% of apps
15.37% of installs
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and faster.
10.00% of apps
13.73% of installs
Android optimized event bus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, S…
8.40% of apps
13.35% of installs
The Checker Framework enhances Java's type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets so…
7.11% of apps
10.20% of installs
Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
14.18% of apps
9.49% of installs
The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various …
4.94% of apps
8.96% of installs
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms.
3.08% of apps
7.28% of installs
Apache Commons Codec (TM) software provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as…
4.81% of apps
6.14% of installs
Reactive Streams is an initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non…
8.71% of apps
5.97% of installs
The Joda project is a group of Java open-source projects that seeks to improve core Java functional…
4.27% of apps
4.89% of installs
Commons IO is a library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality.
4.95% of apps
4.69% of installs
React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript, letting you compose a mobile UI from…
6.76% of apps
4.47% of installs
jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for ext…
4.83% of apps
4.34% of installs
Butter Knife provides field and method binding for Android views.
6.52% of apps
3.73% of installs
Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android.
2.43% of apps
3.65% of installs
App Center is a continuous integration, delivery and learning tool for Android apps. It provides an…
2.83% of apps
3.27% of installs
ShortcutBadger makes your Android App show the count of unread messages as a badge on your App shor…
6.19% of apps
3.18% of installs
This is a repackaging of HttpClient for Android.
1.94% of apps
3.12% of installs
The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations.
2.14% of apps
2.95% of installs
This is a logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log…
4.20% of apps
2.83% of installs
OkHttp is an efficient HTTP client providing features such as SPDY, connection pooling, transparent…
5.44% of apps
2.76% of installs
uCrop is an Android library that allows you to rotate and crop images for further use.
3.85% of apps
2.45% of installs
Spongy Castle is the stock Bouncy Castle library with a couple of small changes to make it work on …
1.51% of apps
2.43% of installs
Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps developers discover, triage…
3.29% of apps
2.22% of installs
RoundedImageView is a fast ImageView (and Drawable) that supports rounded corners (and ovals or cir…
2.19% of apps
2.12% of installs
This module provides support for MIME multipart encoded entities.
1.45% of apps
2.07% of installs
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. JavaN…
0.78% of apps
1.97% of installs
OpenCensus is a set of libraries for various languages that allow you to collect application metric…
1.42% of apps
1.85% of installs
greenDAO is a light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases.
1.06% of apps
1.75% of installs
RootBeer is a library that uses a series of detection mechanisms to detect if an application is run…
1.72% of apps
1.64% of installs
Signpost is the easy and intuitive solution for signing HTTP messages on the Java platform in confo…
0.33% of apps
1.62% of installs
Universal Image Loader for Android provides a reusable instrument for asynchronous image loading, c…
2.36% of apps
1.59% of installs
A library that allows use of Material designed dialogs down to API 8.
3.35% of apps
1.58% of installs
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+.
3.34% of apps
1.57% of installs
The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to us…
2.14% of apps
1.51% of installs
Powerful (Zoom, Rotation, Multi-Source), customizable (Shape, Limits, Style), optimized (Async, Sam…
2.77% of apps
1.46% of installs
A cache that uses a bounded amount of space on a filesystem. Each cache entry has a string key and …
0.96% of apps
1.42% of installs
An asynchronous callback-based Http client for Android built on top of Apache's HttpClient librarie…
2.12% of apps
1.36% of installs
JSON.simple is a simple Java toolkit for JSON. You can use JSON.simple to encode or decode JSON tex…
0.97% of apps
1.35% of installs
Simple is a high performance XML serialization and configuration framework for Java.
1.52% of apps
1.31% of installs
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionB…
2.15% of apps
1.28% of installs
Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.
1.80% of apps
1.20% of installs
A lightweight viewpager indicator like in Nexus 5 launcher.
1.76% of apps
1.16% of installs
Android-Job is an utility library for Android to run jobs delayed in the background.
0.64% of apps
0.97% of installs
ImageViewTouch is an android ImageView widget with zoom and pan capabilities.
0.85% of apps
0.96% of installs
YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
1.16% of apps
0.93% of installs
Written by Google, this library is an easy-to-use and efficient Java client library for accessing G…
0.30% of apps
0.81% of installs
The standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. Ap…
0.52% of apps
0.71% of installs
XML Pull Parser is an interface that defines parsing functionlity provided in XMLPULL V1 API
1.88% of apps
0.71% of installs
Currently there are two code types of code generation for protobuf: the normal version and the lite…
0.08% of apps
0.70% of installs
Jaudiotagger is an Audio Tagging library that fully supports Mp3, Mp4 (Mp4 audio, M4a and M4p audio…
0.11% of apps
0.69% of installs
Apache James Mime4J provides a parser, MimeStreamParser, for e-mail message streams in plain rfc822…
0.21% of apps
0.69% of installs
Object Relational Mapping Lite (ORM Lite) provides some simple, lightweight functionality for persi…
1.01% of apps
0.69% of installs
Provides a simple way to add a draggable sliding up panel (popularized by Google Music and Google M…
1.15% of apps
0.65% of installs
juniversalchardet is a Java port of 'universalchardet', that is the encoding detector library of Mo…
0.12% of apps
0.61% of installs
TagSoup is a SAX-compliant parser written in Java that, instead of parsing well-formed or valid XML…
0.14% of apps
0.59% of installs
A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addr…
0.61% of apps
0.58% of installs
A lifecycle engagement platform that empowers brands to humanize connections with customers, result…
0.49% of apps
0.56% of installs
The libgdx project is a cross-platform game development library written in Java with some JNI code …
0.81% of apps
0.56% of installs provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
1.18% of apps
0.56% of installs
A TextView that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds.
1.00% of apps
0.48% of installs
A SnapHelper that snaps a RecyclerView to an edge.
0.25% of apps
0.43% of installs
Fetch is a simple, powerful, customizable file download manager library for Android.
0.40% of apps
0.43% of installs
DragSortListView (DSLV) is an extension of the Android ListView that enables drag-and-drop reorderi…
0.37% of apps
0.40% of installs
Matisse is a well-designed local image and video selector for Android.
0.25% of apps
0.40% of installs
An android library for list section headers that stick to the top.
0.47% of apps
0.39% of installs
Material DateTime Picker tries to offer you the date and time pickers as shown in the Material Desi…
1.37% of apps
0.37% of installs
The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development, combines a …
0.11% of apps
0.33% of installs
ACRA is a library enabling Android apps to automatically post their crash reports to a report serve…
0.78% of apps
0.30% of installs
Small library allowing you to make a smooth indeterminate progress bar.
0.26% of apps
0.29% of installs
PermissionsDispatcher provides a simple annotation-based API to handle runtime permissions in Andro…
0.49% of apps
0.26% of installs
Android Networking is a library for doing any type of networking in Android applications which is m…
0.44% of apps
0.25% of installs
A simple, straight-forward implementation of the Android In-app billing API.
1.01% of apps
0.24% of installs
SlidingMenu is an open-source Android library that allows developers to easily create applications …
0.40% of apps
0.23% of installs
The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fracti…
0.71% of apps
0.22% of installs
Smack is a pure Java open-source XMPP (Jabber) client library for instant messaging and presence.
0.25% of apps
0.22% of installs
Ionic is an open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development using Web technologies.
3.26% of apps
0.21% of installs
This is a small Android library project for your application to enable the users to select an arbit…
0.53% of apps
0.20% of installs
Speex is an open-source/free software patent-free audio compression format designed for speech.
0.01% of apps
0.19% of installs
kXML is a small XML pull parser, specially designed for constrained environments such as Applets, P…
0.92% of apps
0.19% of installs
The CommonsWare Android Components, or CWAC, are open-source libraries to help solve various tactic…
0.50% of apps
0.19% of installs
The PhoneGap Social Sharing plugin allows you to use the native sharing window of your mobile devic…
2.07% of apps
0.18% of installs
A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout.
0.41% of apps
0.17% of installs
AboutLibraries is a library to offer some information of libraries.
0.27% of apps
0.16% of installs
A robust, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library with annotation processing.
0.52% of apps
0.16% of installs
A small, yet full-featured framework that allows building View-based Android applications
0.12% of apps
0.15% of installs
ZBar is an open-source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, such as video str…
0.48% of apps
0.15% of installs
HtmlCleaner is open-source HTML parser written in Java that cleans up ill-formed html, as encounter…
0.20% of apps
0.15% of installs
Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI e…
0.27% of apps
0.13% of installs
An all in one drawer library that follows the Google Material Design Guidelines.
0.68% of apps
0.12% of installs
Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 5 and above
0.34% of apps
0.12% of installs
Allows Android devices to detect and interact with beacons.
0.73% of apps
0.11% of installs
ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM (object relational mapper).
0.25% of apps
0.11% of installs
This is a charting software library for Android applications.
0.41% of apps
0.11% of installs
dom4j is an open-source library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform using the…
0.13% of apps
0.11% of installs
OpenIAB provides an easy way to make one APK automatically use the right in-app purchase API under …
0.12% of apps
0.10% of installs
The ksoap2-android project provides a lightweight and efficient SOAP client library for the Android…
0.57% of apps
0.10% of installs
NewQuickAction(3D) is a small android library to create QuickAction dialog (with Gallery3D app styl…
0.22% of apps
0.08% of installs
Lightweight JavaMail port for the android platform.
0.27% of apps
0.08% of installs
LicensesDialog is an open-source library to display licenses of third-party libraries in an Android…
0.16% of apps
0.08% of installs
Utility library around using YouTube inside your android app.
0.01% of apps
0.08% of installs
A basic HTTP client based on HttpUrlConnection which lets you easily make asynchronous GET, POST, P…
0.03% of apps
0.07% of installs
A set of custom views used to navigate between the pages of a ViewPager
0.01% of apps
0.07% of installs
Android based YouTube URL extractor and downloader
0.07% of apps
0.06% of installs
A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.
0.00% of apps
0.05% of installs
An Android library that encourages users to rate the app on the Google Play.
0.24% of apps
0.05% of installs
Android Timeline View is used to display views like tracking of shipment/order, steppers etc.
0.11% of apps
0.05% of installs
Twitter4J is an unofficial Java library for the Twitter API. With Twitter4J, you can easily integra…
0.06% of apps
0.05% of installs
JCIFS is an open-source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Jav…
0.10% of apps
0.04% of installs
TableLayout is a lightweight Java library for setting the position and size of UI widgets using a l…
0.02% of apps
0.04% of installs
SMACK (xmpp library) with heavy patches for Android (SASL, DNS/SRV).
0.04% of apps
0.04% of installs
A Kotlin library which helps to request runtime permissions in Android. It has several extensions a…
0.12% of apps
0.04% of installs
This is a repackaging of HttpClient 4.2.3 for Android, which contains some much-needed bugfixes as …
0.05% of apps
0.04% of installs
This MultiTouch Controller class makes it much easier to write multitouch applications for Android.
0.25% of apps
0.04% of installs
Splunk MINT is a tool that allows you to monitor and gain insights into your mobile apps.
0.24% of apps
0.04% of installs
An Android library to implement TicketView in android with normal, rounded and scallop corners
0.04% of apps
0.03% of installs
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.
0.07% of apps
0.03% of installs
Android library to get device information in a super easy way.
0.02% of apps
0.03% of installs
RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous network requests easy.
0.06% of apps
0.03% of installs
A small library containing a wrapper/helper for the Shared Preferences of android.
0.13% of apps
0.03% of installs
bitcoinj allows an app to work with the Bitcoin protocol. It provides APIs for maintaining a wallet…
0.03% of apps
0.03% of installs
GeckoView is Mozilla Firefox Quantum's engine ("Gecko"), packaged as a reusable Android library.
0.02% of apps
0.02% of installs
Cordova (PhoneGap) Plugin to connect to the native Google's Universal Analytics SDK 3.0
0.45% of apps
0.02% of installs
jchardet is a java port of the source from mozilla's automatic charset detection algorithm.
0.01% of apps
0.02% of installs
Android Five Stars Library is a small library that helps developer add a "Rate My App" dialog to th…
0.05% of apps
0.02% of installs
ViewBadger provides a simple way to 'badge' any given Android view at runtime without having to cat…
0.10% of apps
0.02% of installs
Jaxen is an open-source XPath library written in Java. It is adaptable to many different object mod…
0.28% of apps
0.02% of installs
Simple and fast material file picker for Android
0.08% of apps
0.02% of installs
Multi row "segmented control" for Android, with a lot of customization properties.
0.07% of apps
0.02% of installs
Digits lets people create an account or sign into your app using their phone number on iOS and Andr…
0.11% of apps
0.02% of installs
AndroidRate is a library to help you promote your Android app by prompting users to rate the app af…
0.06% of apps
0.02% of installs
Epublib is a java library for reading/writing/manipulating epub files
0.18% of apps
0.02% of installs
SmartImageView is a drop-in replacement for Android's standard ImageView which additionally allows …
0.15% of apps
0.02% of installs
Nexage SourceKit-MRAID For Android is an open-sourced IAB MRAID 2.0 compliant rendering engine for …
0.06% of apps
0.02% of installs
ActionBarSherlock is an extension of the compatibility library designed to facilitate the use of th…
0.24% of apps
0.01% of installs
Appirater is a class that you can drop into any Android app that will help remind your users to rev…
0.06% of apps
0.01% of installs
A library for making OpenGL Live Wallpapers for Android.
0.04% of apps
0.01% of installs
Pix makes it easy to let users select pictures and looks similar to the Whatsapp image picker.
0.04% of apps
0.01% of installs
A RecyclerView (advanced and flexible version of ListView in Android) with refreshing,loading more,…
0.05% of apps
0.01% of installs
A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.
0.04% of apps
0.01% of installs
NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native cross platform mobile applicatio…
0.14% of apps
0.01% of installs
Used to remotely log unhandled exceptions in Android applications.
0.01% of apps
0.01% of installs
RoboGuice is a framework that brings the simplicity and ease of Dependency Injection to Android, us…
0.12% of apps
0.01% of installs
Titanium provides a platform for web developers to build cross-platform, native mobile applications…
0.24% of apps
0.01% of installs
An Android CalendarView based on the Windows 7 style clock calendar.
0.14% of apps
0.01% of installs
This project is focused on creating an Android activity that allows developers to play videos that …
0.10% of apps
0.01% of installs
Android validation library which helps developer boil down the tedious work to three easy steps.
0.06% of apps
0.01% of installs
A web app runtime built with the latest releases of Chromium. Can also serve as a WebView that work…
0.14% of apps
0.01% of installs
Freeware Advanced Audio (AAC) Decoder for Android. This is a port of the OpenCORE aacdec open-sourc…
0.16% of apps
0.00% of installs
A library which configures dividers for a RecyclerView. It supports EVERY Android layout manager an…
0.02% of apps
0.00% of installs
With the Kin SDK for Android you can give your users fun ways to earn and spend Kin in your app, an…
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
AndroidAnnotations is an open-source framework that speeds up Android development.
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
BugSense is a tool that collects and analyzes crash reports from mobile apps.
0.04% of apps
0.00% of installs
Android library which makes detecting gestures and sensor based events a breeze.
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
Android-BitmapCache is a specialised cache, for use with Android Bitmap objects.
0.02% of apps
0.00% of installs
GreenDroid is a development library for the Android platform. It is intended to make UI development…
0.02% of apps
0.00% of installs
NYBus (RxBus) - A publish-subscribe library for Android and Java applications.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
Stellar is open-source, distributed payments infrastructure. Build affordable financial services.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
This project is a Java implementation of's XEP-0124 'Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronou…
0.03% of apps
0.00% of installs
Android compliant java-driver to connect to a MongoDB.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
Open-source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for Android.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar where the tabs look like bubbles and can expand.
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
Android Billing Library implements in-app billing's full specification and offers high-level classe…
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
Free and efficient widget for creating zoomable applications.
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
The android-actionbar project provides a reusable action bar component.
0.03% of apps
0.00% of installs
The android-pulltorefresh project provides a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
This project provides an easy way to annotate map overlay items with a simple information balloon w…
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
A collection of open-source libraries for the Android platform. The collection contains a feed fram…
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
JTwitter is a small library providing easy access to the Twitter API. Set and get your status, mana…
0.01% of apps
0.00% of installs
Library with ready-to-use components and utility classes that wrap a lot of the boilerplate that's …
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
Vertical infinite scroll calendar library for Android.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
The Airbrake notifier for Android is designed to give you instant notification of exceptions thrown…
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
Display images in Android apps with a slanted edge for visual effect.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
RatingRequest library is a simple android dialog for request rating and review.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
Twitter API ME is an API for Java developers who wish to develop applications that provide any type…
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs
HoloEverywhere brings the Holo Theme from Android 4.1 to 1.6 and above.
0.00% of apps
0.00% of installs